For example,Бобцов



The paper presents research results of fire-resistant composite material liquid glass-graphite microparticles. The production technology is considered for samples with necessary ratios of mass fractions of the mixture components. The method of composite material applying as a fire-retardant protective coating is chosen. Fire-resistant coatings are made by encapsulation method, and studies of adhesive capability of the produced coatings are performed. The values of limit loads that lead to the destruction of the composite material are revealed. The maximum fixed load value for the wooden surface was 1.22 MPa, that meets the requirements of regulatory documents. The strength of the adhesion bond with iron is much less and is equal to 0.2 MPa. Also, fire-resistant coatings are manufactured by the second alternative shotcrete method. The composition adjustment is performed in connection with the change of the application method for fire retardant composition. The studies of adhesion ability of these coatings are carried out. The lower boundary value of the adhesion bond for fire-resistant composite material for wood was 0.8 MPa, the strength of the adhesion bond with iron is much less and is equal to 0.1 MPa. Based on the research results, it is concluded that the composite material with the obtained characteristics can be used as a fire-retardant coating for building structures in order to increase fire resistance and reduce fire danger, as an equipment lining in the heat and power industry and metallurgical industry, as well as in equipment used in emergency situations.


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